Fujitsu Attendant Console

Fujitsu Attendant Console

Time Change for Daylight saving


1.- Place console in Position Busy
2.- Press #803 (CMC will appear on display)
3.- Key in 700
4.- Press “SEL” key (P1-p4 will appear on display)
5.- Press “DSP” (The year, month & day, week & time will appear)

Month: 01 to 12
Day: 01 to 31
Week: 1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
Time: 00 to 23 Hour
00 to 59 minute
P1 = Year (4 digit)
P2 = Month & Day (4 digit)
P3 = Day of Week (1 digit)
P4 = Hour & Minute (4 digit)

6.- Press “DS4” (Cursor will now be under the time)
7.- Change time by keying in new time (24hr)
8.- Press “ADD CHG”
9.- Press “RLS”
10.- Press “TRM” then take off Position Busy