IPK2 SV8100 Common Issues

Common Problems, Simple Solutions

Changing the time on the IPKII
Disconnect Supervision on S/L ports
See caller ID for call on hold
Installing DSP for In-Mail and MOD U-10 for modem
Analog and T1 DID calls will not call forward
Cannot get mailboxes 10~16 to work on the In-Mail
CAP key still lit after transfer until answered
No dial tone/caller id/external bell on SLIB 8 port card
Call Park Recall Redirect
DSS Console has no BLF or doesn’t work
Message lamp lit but no voice mail message
Call forward off premise not working with ISDN
No Caller ID to S/L on transfer from In-Mail
Cannot uninstall old version of Pc-Pro to install new version
UM8000 VM assigns 16 ports but license for only 4

Problem: Need to change the time in the display of the phones.
Solution: By default the IPK2 allows anyone to dial the default access code 728 and then dial in the new time. You must enter 4 digits in 24 military time. E.g. to change the time to 3:17pm go to a station and press the speaker key, 728, 1517, and then the speaker key again.

Problem: Need disconnect supervision on single line ports going to 3rd party analog device.
Solution: In CM 15-03-02 set the port to Special. This will apply a momentary open to the analog port when the IPKII sees a disconnect on the trunk side of the connection.

Problem: Need to see the caller ID of the call I have on hold.
Solution: Go to CM 15-02-08 for the station and turn on Pre-selection. To see the caller ID simply press the key while it is on hold. To go to the call press the key followed by speaker or lift the handset.

Problem: CPU doesn’t boot correctly when installing In-Mail and Modem.
Solution: Install the DSP card first and bring the CPU on line. Then power down again and add the MOD U-10 card and bring back on line.

Problem: Analog and T1 DID calls will not follow call forwarding.
Solution: Turn off 14-02-10 for the analog and T1 DID trunks. You can only access this CM for these trunks in Web-Pro or telephone programming.

Problem: Cannot get mailboxes 10~16 to work on the In-Mail
Solution: The In-Mail has mailboxes 1~16 already defined by default as “Call Routing Mailboxes”. This is hard coded in the mail and cannot be changed. As a result you cannot have subscriber mailboxes with numbers 1~16. If you are installing a very small IPKII with In-Mail it is recommended to start the station numbering at 20 and not 10 so you do not run into this issue.
If you are installing an SV8100 the mailboxes 1~32 are defaulted as call routing so the first 2 digit extension number allowed a mailbox would be 33.

Problem: Cap key still lit after transferring call and until the call is answered.
Solution: When a call is transferred from a CAP key it will stay lit on the transferring phone until answered by the destination. This can be a real problem for attendent sets if calls are transferred to an ACD group and there are no agents available. The CAP key will stay lit until and agent is available or until the call forwards to VM etc.
The best way to avoid this is to use virtuals on the answering station instead of CAP keys. Flag these virtuals in CM 15-18 to “Land On Key” so that when answered the call will sit on the actual virtual appearance. Then when transferred off the virtual if will go out as soon as the call is released. There obviously should be a number of virtuals, just as there would be CAP keys to handle multiple calls. The virtuals should be in a department group with priority routing of forwarded busy to the next virtual. Note: You cannot use forward no answer on the virtuals to VM if you use a Dept group for the hunting between virtuals.

Problem: No dial tone/caller id/external bell on ports of SLIB card.
Solution: The SLIB card has 2 switches on the front edge of the card. SW2 and SW3. The switches come set at default as 4 port card, no caller id, and no external bell. Many techs do not realise that these switches MUST be set or issues can arise such as card failure after a period of time. Also no dial tone could also be there is no station number assigned to the port in CM 11-02.
Set SW2 and SW3 as follows…… (Note: On is placing the switch towards the rear of the card, off toward the front)
SW2-1 On= 4 port Off= 8 port
SW2-2 Always set to Off
SW2-3 On= Firmware upgrade Off= normal operation
SW2-4 On= Caller ID disable Off= Caller ID enable
SW3-1 Always set to On
SW3-2 On= Normal Off= Multiple devices (external bell)
SW3-3 On= Normal Off= Multiple devices (external bell)
SW3-4 Always set to On

Problem: A call that was parked recalls to the station that parked it but there is no longer anyone at that station to retrieve the call.
Solution: This is a common problem when users in a large warehouse park a call and then move on to another location. The call recalls and just sits and rings the station that parked it. In the IPKII you can re-direct these calls to the Attendant station assigned in 20-17. To do so flag CM 20-11-13 for the COS of the station that parks the call. Set the amount of time the call will sit in the park orbit with CM 24-01-06. Then set the CM 24-01-04 for the amount of time the station that parked the call will ring on the recall before transferring to the attendant.

Problem: No BLF on DSS console or DSS console not working at all.
Solution: This is a common problem with the DSS console if you try and assign it in CM 10-03 with Web-Pro or Pc-Pro. The only way, or at least the reliable way to fix this is via phone programming. First unplug the DSS console line cord. Power can stay connected. Via phone programming go to CM 10-03-01 and enter the slot number and port number the DSS is connected to. Change the setting from “Consl” to “None”. Back out of programming and wait for the CPU to update. Other DSS programming (station association and key data) will not be affected. Plug the DSS console back in, wait a few seconds, and it should come on line functioning correctly. The moral of this story is never force an equipment assignment to a port. Let the CPU discover the hardware itself and all will be well and calm.

Problem: Station message lamp lit but no voice mail message.
Solution: The IPKII/SV8100 by default allows users to dial an extension and then accidently fat finger the 0 key which lights a lamp at that station. The station with the lamp will have a soft key option for the message allowing them to either cancel the light or cancel the light and call the person who fat fingered the 0 so as to tell them they have fat fingers. The user can also dial the default message waiting cancel code 771.
To stop this simply disable the message waiting feature in COS with CM 20-13-07 and you won’t have to suffer no more.

Problem: Call forward off premise not working with ISDN.
Solution: When forwarding a station off premise with ISDN there are 2 major things that must be taken into consideration besides the basic programming to allow the feature.
1. The speed of the provider’s network.
2. The ability to route calls with or without caller id.
The SV8100 and IPKII have the trunk to trunk transfer ability turned on by default so only the COS bit (CM 20-11-12) need be flagged to allow this feature. If the forwarding does not work check the following……
a. Make sure CM 21-12 is assigned for all B channel trunks (not the D channel). Many carriers will not route a call unless they see CPN (Calling Party Number) being presented to them in the call setup. Many techs assign the CPN on a station basis with CM 21-13 but a call that forwards off premise is actually dialed by the incoming trunk and not the station so the system looks for the CPN from the incoming trunk.
b. If enabled, turn off 14-01-24. This CM takes the caller ID of the incoming trunk and uses it for the CPN on the outgoing call. This is a great feature but is actually illegal in some counties/states in the US. Some carriers will not allow you to present any CPN that does not belong to that ISDN span which means you may be limited to the DID range.
c. Enable basic ARS to F-Routes to speed up dialing. If basic trunk group routing is being used there will be a substantial delay when forwarding to already slow connections such as a cell phone. As a result the initial incoming call does not get any sort of answer signal and will timeout before any ring back is heard from the cell phone connection. The entire process can be speed up by enabling ARS to F-Routes with the maximum digits dialed set in CM 44-05-09.
d. Make sure you DO NOT use trunk group 0.
e. Confirm that Code Restriction class 1 is at default value. Trunks are in code restriction class 1 by default and even the slightest change to their class in CM 21-05 will stop the outgoing forwarding. If you are using class 1 in the system place the trunks in another defaulted class.

Problem: No Caller ID to a S/L on transfer from In-Mail.
Solution: Simply flag CM 15-03-14 to a 1 for forwarding number for each of the In-Mail ports. In fact any S/L station that will be transferring a call to another S/L must have this flagged if you want the caller ID to be sent along with the transferred call. Failure to turn this on will result in the S/L station, who receives the call, seeing only the ID of the station performing the transfer.

Problem: Cannot Uninstall old version of Pc-Pro to allow install of new version.
Solution: This problem has popped up lately with people attempting to remove the older 2.51 version to install the newer 3.0 version. Go to the Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel and locate SV8100PCPro. Click on “Change” Do not select “Remove” “Change” will take you to the Pc-Pro install wizard which will then provide an option “Remove”. Select this and the application will be removed.

Problem: UM8000 VM takes is assigned 16 ports when installed but CP00 is only licensed for 4 ports.
Solution: The SV8100 up until R3 software comes with a 60 day free license which opens up all system options for those first 60 days. Becuase the max ports for the UM8000 is 16 this is the number of ports it will assign to this VM when it is installed regardless of the number of licenses you loaded.
To correct this you must turn off the free license while installing the VM.
1. Through the telephone go to CM 90-05-01. If it is a 0 make it a 1 then go to step 2. If it is already a 1 make it a 0 then go to step 3.
2. Back out of programming and then go back into programming and at CM 90-55-01 make it a 1.
3. Go to CM 10-52-01 and make sure it says Remain Days 0.
4. Remove the VM blade physically and from programming with CM 90-05-01 if not done already.
5. Re-install the UM8000 blade and confirm only the number of licensed ports are assigned.
At this point you can leave the free demo license off or turn it back on by setting CM 90-55-01 to a 1.

SV8100 Licensing

Here is how to muddle your way through the 8100 (and 8300) licensing server to get the codes to make things work.
Remember you have 60 days of all features wide open after you turn on the CPU for the first time.

Your license codes must be loaded within that 60 days or the customer’s gonna come into work on day 61 and get a hell of a shock.
Note: The 60 period only gives you 64 ports. To expand to 256 ports go to CM 90-55-01 and make it a 1. No CPU reset required.
Note: It is recommended to disable the free license when installing the UM8000. This way the UM8000 only takes the number of ports it is licensed for. If you do not turn off the free license it will take 16 ports which may take you over you maximum ports
To disable the freebie go into telephone programming CM 90-55-01 and make it a 0. If it is already a 0 change it to a 1, back out of programming and then go back to CM 90-55-01 and set it to a 0.
To confirm the license is off see CM 10-52-01. If it says Remain Days 0 the free license is disabled. You can re-enable the free license at any time by again making CM 90-55-01 a 1.

IP-CCIS to NEAX 2000

This is IP-CCIS from the PVA card to the IPTB card on the NEAX 2000.
Remember whenever possible always test back to back before implementation.
At time of writing this the most up to date versions for the PVA card are….

Service Pack SP01X
Firmware 1.59T7 for IP_CCIS or 1.02T10 for the Combo card.

You will need the Combo card if you wish to use fax over CCIS and then you will need a 2.0 license and software on the CPU to support the PVA combo card.