Common Panasonic Programming Changes

624 Most Often Changed System Programs


Program #    Program Function
000 Time & Date
001 Systems Speed Dial Numbers, include the line access codes, up 32 digits max
006 Day / Night / Lunch Change Mode,  It is best set this for automatic mode

Day / Night / Lunch Start/Stop Times, Lunch does not need to be set, nor night

105 Conference Tone, some users desire this alerting tone be eliminated

Emergency Numbers, (911 is default) bypasses Toll Restriction if programmed


Outside Line Connection, disables a CO port not in use and removes the line from Automatic CO Line Hunt process (i.e. Dial 9)


Dial Mode, on outside lines, DTMF (Touch Tone is default), Dial Pulse is optional

405,406, 407 Flexible Outward CO Line Access,  Day/Night/Lunch
408, 409, 410 Flexible Incoming CO Line Ringing Assignment,  Day/Night/Lunc
411, 412, 413 Delay Ringing Assignment, Day/Night/Lunch
414, 415, 416 Co Line Mode Incoming,  All – DIL – DISA, Day/Night/Lunch
604 Extension Name Assigment
608 Executive Override, eliminates CO line privacy

Parallel Connect, needs to set to simultaneously connect SLT with a Systems Phone (7020,7030,7130……)

700, 701, 702

Door Intercom Box Extension Ringing Assignment, Day/Night/Lunch

703, 704, 705

Door Opener (Dry Contact) Control Extension Assignment, Day/Night/ Lunch

706 Door Intercom Box Ring Tone, change for distinctive ringing
707 Door Intercom Box Access Tone, disable if using just for monitoring purposes

 Caller ID, enable by line, when sevice is provided by Telephone Company

901 Caller ID Local Area Code, needed for digit modification
902 Caller ID Digit Modification for Local Calls, for automatic call back
903 Caller ID Digit Modification for Long Distance Calls, for automatic call back